I have some pictures to share. All of your entires are lovely, brings a tear to my eye! I think we really have grown closer which is good becuase I think what we may have missed out in Africa we gained form being together and just making the most out of it, and I wont miss the mud, at all, but i'll miss you guys! Thanks for making the week a brilliant one, it could have been awful!. and thanks for putting up with me, I know im not the easiest but at least now you know you can out up with anyone! Im sorting the DVD and it'll be ready soon. HAve an amazing summer, you gals are the best, couldn't have hoped for a beter group of people. Now lets remember some quotes from the week:
Whispered "Henrietta.......7 Days"
" I love horses best of all the animals, i love horses they're my friends"
"Look Jamie's reading his wild flowers book"
"You shot Bambi's Mum"
"You nearly hit me with your Heavy Load"
"Has he fallen asleep in the fire again?"
Jamies scottish accent "Get outta my swamp"
I could go on forever, but i have to say the funniest thing I've seen is Jamie Corry at Longdown Dairy Farm kicking in the direction of an inquisitive chicken and tell it to F*** off!!
Lots of love xx

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