Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Day 3 (said in Big Brother voiceover accent)

So today was the third day of our ponding adventure, actually let me rephrase, day three of our PUDDLE adventure as today we discovered that the pond was not really a pond but some muddy water with reeds in it. I've never experienced a pond that you could walk through without drowning, even slightly. Jamie Correy lied to us and now we're all emotional scarred for a while but I'm sure in time we'll forgive and forget.

It was quite a relaxed day, to be honest we probably sat around eating chocolate and strawberry lances more than we did any work but hey that's the joy of it. Nah, we work pretty hard making good ol' slurry out of poo-like mud and water....and our own blood...that's obviously a lie. Anyway, us girls managed to plonk the pipe back in only to find that it was too high up. Yay for us, so we had to unplonk it and dig it in slightly lower so the water would actually go through it.

Hmm what else happened, oh yeah, Anisha found a prehistoric Nimbus 2000. SCORE! Steph was busy pressing muddy handprints on everyone and guess what Jamie Correy was DOING NOTHING! ....that's a slight exaggeration actually because this was the first day he lifted a finger for a reason other than making tea and turning the pages of his 'Wild Flowers' book. He is a legend though.
One more thing, this is for you Sarah ...
" I love horses, best of all the animals, I love horses, they're my friends."


Siân said...

Today was a very Harry Potter themed day, was it not?

Stephanie said...

hehe yeah, with the floating leaf...
Wingardium Leviosa!

and we found Hagrid.